


@rusttypes.result.catch(*exceptions: ~typing.Type[BaseException], map_err: ~typing.Callable[[BaseException], ~rusttypes.result.E] = <function stringify>) Callable[[Callable[[...], Result[T, E]]], Callable[[...], Result[T, E]]]

Catch specified exceptions and return them as Err. If no exceptions are specified, catch all exceptions. Use the map_err function to map the caught exception to the error type of the Result.

  • *exceptions (Type[BaseException]) – The exceptions to catch.

  • map_err (Callable[[BaseException], E]) – The function to map the caught exception to the error type of the Result. Defaults to rusttypes.misc.stringify.


Decorator that catches the specified exceptions and returns them as Err.

Return type:

Callable[[Callable[…, Result[T, E]]], Callable[…, Result[T, E]]]


Lets say we have a function that parses a string to an integer. If the string is not a valid integer, we want to return an error instead of raising a ValueError:

def parse_int(s: str) -> Result[int, str]:
    return Ok(int(s))

You can now use the function and handle the error case:

>>> parse_int("42")

>>> parse_int("foo")
Err("invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'foo'")
@rusttypes.result.try_guard(fn: Callable[[...], Result[T, E]]) Callable[[...], Result[T, E]]

Bubble up Err that are thrown inside the function. If an Err is thrown, it is returned as is. This is useful in combination with the Result::try_ method.

Works in conjunction with the Result::try_ function similar to the ? operator in Rust.


fn (Callable[..., Result[T, E]]) – The function to wrap.


Wrapped function that bubbles up Err.

Return type:

Callable[…, Result[T, E]]


Lets say we have a function that parses a string to an integer. If the string is not a valid integer, we want to return an error instead of raising a ValueError. Now we want to parse an array of integers and return an error if one of the integers is invalid:

def parse_int(s: str) -> Result[int, str]:
    return Ok(int(s))

def parse_int_array(arr: str) -> Result[List[int], str]:
    return Ok([parse_int(s).try_() for s in arr.split()])

You can now use the function and handle the error case:

>>> parse_int_array("42 21 1337")
Ok([42, 21, 1337])

>>> parse_int_array("42 foo 1337")
Err("invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'foo'")